Application of TNO foundation pile diagnosis system
摘要: TNO基桩诊断系统是从荷兰IBBC公司引进的基桩测试专用仪器。仪器引进后,还为其配备了试验重锤及导向装置。应用该系统对基桩进行动力检测及对信号分析认为,能较准确地提供低应变试桩桩身结构的完整性和高应变动力试桩单桩极限承载力。Abstract: TNO foundation pile diagnosis system is the special instrument which is introduced from IBBC in Netherlands. After introduction of the system three set of hammers and leading scaffolds are equipped. By use of the pile diagnosis system, the reliable bearing capacity and integrity of pile structure are provided respectively through the high and low strain dynamic tests.