Experiment on resistance coefficient of lock manifold single-port
摘要: 通过系列模型试验,对灌水状态和泄水状态复合管单支孔阻力系数进行了系统的研究,得到了单支孔阻力系数与支孔几何形状参数、流速比和廊道雷诺数之间的变化规律,建立了单支孔阻力系数的一般计算公式。Abstract: Extensive hydraulic model tests were conducted to investigate the resistance coefficient of lock manifold single-port under filling operation and emptying operation. The relationship between single-port resistance coefficient and its related factors (geometric parameter, culvert-to-port velocity ratio, and Reynolds number of culvert flow)was studied,and empirical formulas for single-port resistance coefficient were derived.