
Experimental simulation and validation of the tidal bore in the flume

  • 摘要: 在涌潮玻璃水槽中,通过调节水槽两端变频器的频率控制潮前水深的稳定,使水体具有一定的潮前落潮流速,并以此为工况,增加下游变频器不同的运行频率模拟各种强度的涌潮,测试涌潮的传播速度、涌潮高度、流速垂向分布等水动力学特征参数,捕捉涌潮形态.在此基础上,选用2010年10月钱塘江河口盐官河段的现场实测资料对试验结果进行比较分析,结果表明涌潮水槽试验结果与盐官河段实地观测资料匹配良好.这说明涌潮玻璃水槽物理模型能成功模拟涌潮,适用于涌潮的测试研究.


    Abstract: The frequencies of the transverters at both ends of the glass flume which control the flows of water pumps are adjusted to create a steady water depth and ebb velocity before the tidal bore arrival. Under this condition, the different frequencies of the downstream transverter have been used to produce the tidal bores with various heights. And the celerities, bore heights, vertical distributions of the velocities and bore shapes of the tidal bores have been measured under different water depths and ebb velocities before the tidal bore arrival with various tidal bore heights. The comparisons of the experimental results with the field data at the Yanguan reach in the Qiantang River Estuary in October 2010 show that the experimental results have agreed well with the measurements on site, which indicates that successfully simulated tidal bores in the flume demonstrate that the flume experiment is a good tool to study the tidal bore.


